Dorel Aiordăchioaie Professor, PhD, Eng.
Teaching materials for students
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Information Coding and Transmission Theory (1995 →)
Circuits and Systems. Analysis and Synthesis (2010 →)
Statistical Signal Processing (2004-2012)
Adaptive Filtering and Estimation (2007-2012)
Data Compression (2007-2012)
Signals, Circuits and Systems (2000-2010)
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Signal processing for change detection (2013-)
Airborne ultrasonic images, generation and processing (2011-2012)
Biomimetic sonar heads (2008-2011)
Metamodeling and computer–aided modeling (2003-2007)
Soft Computing (1992-2000)
Fault detection and process diagnosis based on model (1994-1997)
Publications (samples) |
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D. Aiordachioaie, L. Frangu, and S. Epure, On Airborne Ultrasonic Image Generation with Biomimetic Sonar Head, IET Radar, Sonar and Navigation, Print ISSN 1751-8784, 2013.
D. Aiordachioaie, On Identification of Transmission Channels for Sonar based Applications, Memoirs of the Scientific Sections of the Romanian Academy, Tome XXXIV, Computer Science, ISSN: 1224-1407 , 2011.
V. Nicolau, D. Aiordachioaie, Ghe. Puşcaşu, C. Miholca, Expert Rules for Partitive Clustering Methods Using Potential Function- Based Algorithms, Journal of Fuzzy Systems and Artificial Intelligence, 11(1-3), Romanian Academy, pp.33.44, 2005.
V. Nicolau, C. Miholca, D. Aiordachioaie, E. Ceanga, QFT autopilot design for robust control of ship course-keeping and course-changing problems, Journal of Control Engineering and Applied Informatics, ISSN 1454-8658, 7, pp.44-55., 2005.
D. Aiordachioaie, Ceanga E., R. De Keyser, Naka, Y., Detection and Classification of Non-linearities based on Volterra Kernels Processing, Journal of Engineering Application of Artificial Intelligence, 14, ISSN 0952 1976, pp. 497-503, 2001.
Conferences |
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D. Aiordachioaie, and L. Frangu, Some Results on Ultrasonic Image Generation with Biomimetic Sonar Head and Focused Narrow Beams, Soft Computing Applications, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 195, ISSN 2194-5357, pp 595-604., 2013.
Aiordachioaie and L.
Frangu, On ultrasonic image generation with biomimetic sonar head and narrow beam,
The 9th IEEE International Conference on Communications (COMM-2012),
Bucharest, Romania, pp. 91-96, 2012.
D. Aiordachioaie, and L. Frangu, Some Results On Low Resolution Airborne Ultrasonic Image Generation And Processing,
The IEEE Int.
Symp. on SP
and Information Technology –
(ISSPIT-2011), Bilbao, Spain, pp. 434-439, 2011.
Gogu and D. Aiordachioaie, On image denoising with wavelets - A case study by considering a priori distortion,
IEEE - The 8th European Conference on Communications, Bucharest,
(COMM-2010), pp.161-164, 2010.
Aiordachioaie, On Modelling of the Air Transmission Channel for Sonar Systems,
The 3rd IEEE International Symposium on Electrical and Electronics Engineering
(ISEEE-2010), Galati, pp. 287-290, 2010.
D. Aiordachioaie and V. Nicolau, On Time Delay Estimation By Evaluation Of Three Time Domain Functions, The 3rd IEEE International Symposium On Electrical And Electronics Engineering (ISEEE-2010), Galati, pp. 281-286., 2010.
Nicolau V; Aiordachioaie D.; A.ndrei M., Fuzzy System for Sound Speed Estimation in Outdoor Ultrasonic Distance Measurements, IEEE Conference: 4th Int. Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, Luxor, Egypt, pp. 41-44, 2009.
Alexiu, M.; Aiordachioaie, D., Nonlinear system identification using a prefiltering bank with wavelet impulse responses, 4th European Conference on Circuits and Systems for Communications, (ECCSC-08)-Bucharest, Page(s):123 – 128, 2008.
Nicolau, V. Palade, D.
Aiordachioaie, C.
Miholca, Neural Network Prediction of the Roll Motion of a Ship for Intelligent Course Control,
KES2007- 11th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, Vietri sul Mare, Italy, Part III, LNAI 4694, pp.284-291, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2007.
Alexiu and D.
Computer Experiments in System Identification Using a Prefiltering Bank,
Proceedings of the IEEE Int. Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems – (ISSCS-2007), 2, Iasi, ISBN 1-4244-068-3, Romania, pp. 409-412, 2007.
D. Aiordachioaie, E.Ceanga, G.Sirbu, On Conversion and Symbolic Computation of Modelica Declarative Models with Matlab, Proc. of the Industrial Simulation Conference, ISC’2006, University of Palermo, Palermo,
Italy, pages 237-241, 2006.
V. Nicolau, D. Aiordachioaie and R. Popa, Neural Network Prediction of the Wave Influence on the Yaw Motion of a Ship, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks IJCNN 2004, Budapest, Hungary, 4, pp. 2801-2806, 2004
D. Aiordăchioaie, V. Dugan, R.
Solea, On multi-layer architecture of process models,
6th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI 2002)/8th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis (ISAS 2002),
Orlando, Florida, USA, XXII, pp. 394-404, 2002.
Aiordăchioaie, D., Ceangă E., Mihalcea, R.I. and Roman, N., Pre-processing of Acoustic Signals by Neural Networks for Fault Detection and Diagnosis of Rolling Mill, Fifth International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks-ANN'97, Churchill College, University of Cambridge, UK, July 7-9, pp, 119-123, 1997.
Research monographies |
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Airborne Ultrasonic Imaging: SONAR based Image Generation for Autonomous Vehicles, Chapter 2 of “Autonomous Hybrid Vehicles Intelligent Transport Systems and Automotive Technologies”, Editors: Nicu Bizon, et al, Univ. of Pitesti Publishing House, ISBN 978-606-560-327-1, pp. 47-73, 2013.
Aspects of Robot Driving. An Introduction with Examples. Ed. MATRIX ROM, 2004, 200 pages, Bucureşti , ISBN 9736856941, 2004.
3D Modelling and Visualisation in Computed Tomography. A VTK’s Approach with Tcl Scripts, Ed. MATRIX ROM, 200 pages, Bucuresti ISBN 9736856968, 2004.
Towards Metamodelling for Computer Aided Process Modelling–A concurent engineering point of view, Ed. MATRIX ROM, Bucureşti, 140 pages, ISBN 9736855562, 2003.
Neutral Process Modelling with Modelica, Ed. MATRIX ROM, Bucureşti, 160 pages, ISBN 9736855503, 2003.
Books for students |
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Circuite Electronice, Ed.
MATRIX-ROM, 200 pag., ISBN 973-685-693-3, Bucureşti 2004.
Bazele teoretice ale sistemelor de transmisiune a informaţiei, Ed.
Academica, 450 pag, ISBN 973-8316-41-3, Galati 2004.
Teoria Transmisiunii Informaţiei, Partea a-II-a, Note de curs, Ed.
Univ. “Dunărea de Jos” din Galaţi, 187 pag, 2001.
Teoria Transmisiunii Informaţiei, Partea a-II-a, Îndrumar de laborator, Ed.
Univ.“Dunărea de Jos” din Galaţi, 99 pag, 2001.
Teoria Transmisiunii Informaţiei, Exerciţii pentru seminar, Ed. Univ.
“Dunărea de Jos” din Galaţi, 196 pag, 2001.
Sisteme de conducere a proceselor industriale, Ed. Academica, 455 pag, ISBN 973-98858-0-2, 1999.
Teoria Transmisiunii Informaţiei, Partea I, Îndrumar de laborator, Ed.
“Dunărea de Jos” din Galaţi, 96 pag, 1998.
Teoria Transmisiunii Informaţiei, Partea I, Note de curs, Ed.
Univ.“Dunărea de Jos” din Galaţi, 95 pag, 1997.
Electronică. Îndrumar de laborator, Ed.
Univ. “Dunărea de Jos” din Galaţi, 158 pag, 1994.
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Dorel.Aiordachioaie at ugal.ro
Tel. / Fax:
+40 236 336 130 188 / +40 236 461 353
Stiintei street - 2, Y building, Room 609
Last updated:
February 2020